This is the second scroll text I’ve done. It’s a Silver Crescent, the East Kingdom award of High Mert for service.
The text was inspired by the Charter of great knyaz Dmitrii Ivanovich to Andrey Friazin about awarding him support from Pechera. Dated 1363-1389. Charter # 87, p. 143, Gramoty Velikogo Novgoroda i Pskova (Charters of Great Novgorod and Pskov), Moscow, 1949
Се язъ князь велики Бренан и его княгиня Килан пожаловали есмы поместница Тиша которая с Киева, какъ служила она нам какъ казначей и какъ стрелок и какъ охранница, емлеть членство в ордене Cеребряного Cерпа, какъ было при нашем дѣдѣ при князи при великом при Григорием IV и при нашем отци при князи при великом при Кенрике II, такъ и при нас. А хто се рукописанье переступитъ, судится с нами пред богом в день страшного суда. А дана ся грамота двадцать-восьмым июня лета сорок девять, или 7522, или 2014.
Literal translation:
And so, King Brennan and Queen Caoilfhionn give to Tysha who is from Kiev, as she served us as exchequer and as archer and as guard, to have membership in the order of the Silver Crescent, as it was in the days of our grandfather Gregor IV and in the days of our father Kenric II. And any who violate this manuscript shall have to have trial with us before god on the day of the great judgment. And this charter is given on the fifth day of February, year 45, or 7522*, or 2014.
The figurative translation, which I read in court when the scroll was awarded:
Recognizing her service as exchequer, archery marshal, and royal guard, we, King Brennan and Queen Caoilfhionn hereby induct Tysha z Kieva into the Order of the Silver Crescent, as that order has existed in the days of our grandfather, Gregor the 4th, and in the days of our father, Kentric the 2nd. And any who shall seek to undo this decree shall face us on the day of judgment. Given on the 5th day of February, AS 45, or year 7522* since the creation of the world, or 2014 in the common era.
*Medieval Russia used the Byzantine Calendar, in which 2014 would be approximately 7522.
Final Scroll (C&I by Lady Lada Mongulign):