This is the third scroll text I’ve done. It’s a King’s Order of Excellence, the East Kingdom award for excellence in persona.
The text was inspired by the Charter of Great Knyaz Ivan Danilov to Pecheran falconer Zhile and others about relief from duties and taxes. Dated 1328-1341. Charter # 84, p. 142, Gramoty Velikogo Novgoroda i Pskova (Charters of Great Novgorod and Pskov), Moscow, 1949
Се язъ князь велики Бренан всея Восточницы пожаловалъ есмь крестьянки Литовской, хто делает красивыю и историческую одежды, и еду, и вино, и квасс. А се её имя Дзиугинте. Не надобѣ ей нокоторая дань, ни ко старостѣ имъ не тянутиь, а емлеть членство в ордене Королевского Отличия. Хто ли черезъ мою грамоту что у неё возметъ, и язъ князь велики кажню. А приказалъ есми ей блюсти Меркурью а ты Меркуреи, по моеи грамотѣ блюди её, а въ обиду её не выдаваи никомы. А дана ся грамота шестым августа лета сорок девять, или 7522, или 2014.
Literal translation:
And so, King Brennan of all Eastdom gave onto the peasant from Lithuana, who makes beautiful and historic clothing, food, wine, and kvass. And her name is Dziuginte. Need not she pay certain duties, nor be brought before the headman, but give her membership in the King’s Order of Excellence. Whoever despite my charter something from her take, and I as a King will punish. And ordered this under the eyes of Mercury, and you Mercury under my charter watch her and don’t let harm come to her from anyone. And this charter is given on the sixth day of August, year 49, or 7522*, or 2014.
The figurative translation, which I read in court when the scroll was awarded:
I, King Brennan of all Eastern Lands, give unto Dziuginte Litovka, a Lithuanian Peaseant, who makes beautiful and historic clothing, food, and drink, this award. Let no one tax her work, nor summon her before a village elder, but rather induct her into our King’s Order of Excellene. And should any breach this order, let them beware of our Royal justice. I order this under the eyes of Mercury, and command Mercury to watch over her and let no harm come to her. Done this sixth day of August, AS 49, or 7522* since the creation of the world, or 2014 CE.
*Medieval Russia used the Byzantine Calendar, in which 2014 would be approximately 7522.
Final Scroll (C&I by Lady Shadiyah Al-Zahra’):